Udyog Urja 100 Mega Blast Business Conference
🔖 Date
Check-In - Wednesday, 31st May 2023
Check Out - Thursday, 1st June 2023
🔖 Venue
RIVER VILLAGE RESORT, Badalapur https://www.rivervillageresort.in/
24 घंटे की इस Mega Business Conference के लिए 200+ Ragistration का Target 🎯 रखा गया है
24 घंटे की इस Mega Business Conference में...
🔅Awards & Rewards
🔅Innovative Gifts
🔅Corporate Games
🔅Out Door Activities
🔅Innovative Contests
🔅Growth Plans
🔅Business Offers
🔅Joint Ventures
🔅New Projects
🔅Shark Tank
🔅Tresure Hunts
🔅Creative Skits
🔅Luxurious Resort
🔅Lunch, Dinner, Tea-Breakfasts
🔅Mouth Watering Quality Food
🔖 Registration Charges...💸
✔️ Only Rs. 2500/-
✔️ After 15th May 2023
Only Rs. 3000/-
✔️ After 25th May 2023
Only Rs. 3500/-
✔️ No Registration after 25th May 2023
✔️ Registration Fees are Non-Refundable or Non- Transferable in any Circumstances
✔️On Spot Registration is Strictly Not Allowed
आप भी तुरंत ही अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन करवाए साथ में आपके एक नए व्यवसाय मित्र को आमंत्रित करे..🙏
Payment Options💸
G Pay, Phone Pe, Paytm, BHIM, etc on...
9326 310 276 (Multiple by 3) Scan & Pay Here...
बस तो हो जाइए तैयार "उद्योग ऊर्जा" Hats Off 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Mega Blast Conference💐 के लिए..📈
🔖Convener Jignesh Dave
📱 93263 10276
🔖 Co-Convener
✔️Deepak Rane 📱 84199 40454
🔖 Co-Convener ✔️Sachin Chogle 📱 98924 74534
🔖 Core Committee Members
✔️Anand Tendulkar
✔️Pramod Dingankar
✔️Mahesh Nanche
✔️Aarti Patange
✔️Aarti Chorge
✔️Dayanand Sontate
✔️Rupesh Kolte
✔️Amar Vishwakarma
✔️Leena Bhise
✔️Vidya Sawant
👑 Mentor & Chief Advisor
BrandBond Nilesh B+
What is the Foundation Date of UdyogUrja?
0%18 September 2020
0%20 October 2018
0%15 August 2020
0%20 October 2020
Proud to be a part of Udyog Urja 100 Mega Blast Biz Conference as Core Committee Member.
With Regards,
Dayanand Sontate ( Ex HR )
8369 428 418
9892 461 646